Annual Notices
Administrative Services
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Notice
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides homeless students with education rights. This notice explains those rights.
In a shelter, in a motel or campground due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodation, in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station, or doubled-up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship, your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.
Your eligible children have the right to:
• Receive a free, appropriate public education.
• Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment.
• Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents.
• Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is your preference and is feasible.
* If the school district believes that the school you select is not in the best interest of your children, then the district must provide you with a written explanation of its position and inform you of your right to appeal its decision.
• Receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if you request this.
• Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to your children’s needs.
If you believe your children may be eligible, contact the local liaison to find out what services and support may be available. There also may be support available for your preschool-age children.
For more information, contact the Local Liaison:
Ann Bauer
Director of Child Accounting
570-424-8500 x 10921
Title IX Non-Discrimination Notice
The East Stroudsburg Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Mr. Eric D. Forsyth, SFO, PRSBO
50 Vine Street, East Stroudsburg, PA
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.
Environmental Services
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Notice
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires school districts to inspect their buildings for asbestos-containing building materials, and develop, maintain, and update an asbestos management plan.
In compliance with the notification/record-keeping requirements of EPA's 40 CFR, Part 763.93 (g)(4) Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Law (more commonly known as AHERA-ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT), we are notifying your organization(s) of the availability of the management plans. A copy of each building's management plan is available in the office of the building, and a master copy of all management plans is in the District Office.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Notice
The East Stroudsburg Area School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents and weeds. This notice provides information about this program.
The East Stroudsburg Area School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pest management. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school building and grounds to detect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring team consists of our building maintenance, office, and teaching staff and includes our students. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator who evaluates the "pest problem" and determines the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc.
From time to time, it may be necessary to use pesticides registered by the Environmental Protection Agency to manage a pest problem. A pesticide will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When a pesticide is necessary, the school will try to use the least toxic product that is effective. Applications will be made only when unauthorized persons do not have access to the area(s) being treated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours prior to application and for two days following the application.
Staff and parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school may request prior notification of specific pesticide applications made at the school. To receive notification, you must be placed on the school's notification registry. If you would like to be placed on this registry, please notify the East Stroudsburg Area School District IPM Committee in writing. All requests should be addressed to: East Stroudsburg Area School District, Attn: IPM Notification Request, PO Box 298, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. Please indicate the school building of attendance in your request and include your email address if you would like to be notified electronically.
If a pesticide application must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided by telephone to any staff, parent or guardian who has requested such notification in writing. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students, and gel type baits placed in cracks, crevices or voids; and swimming pool maintenance chemicals.
If you have any questions, please contact the Maintenance Office at 570-424-8500.
Food Services
Child Nutrition Programs Information
The East Stroudsburg Area School District participates in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and/or the Special Milk Program. The 2020-2021 Free and Reduced Lunch Application is completed online at The attached flyer contains information on how to access the free and reduced lunch application online for the 2020-2021 school year.
Pupil Services
- Annual - PA Medical Assistance Billing Parental Notice
- Chapter 15 (Protected Handicapped Students)
- Child Find (Special Education)
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice
- Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Procedural Safeguards
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment Notice
Annual - PA Medical Assistance Billing Parental Notice
Chapter 15 (Protected Handicapped Students)
In compliance with state and federal law, the East Stroudsburg Area School District will provide to each protected handicapped student, without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student's abilities. In order to qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program.
These services and protections for "protected handicapped students" are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs.
For further information on the evaluation procedures and provisions of services to protected handicapped students, contact the Special Education office at (570) 424-8500
Child Find (Special Education)
In compliance with state and federal law, notice is hereby given by the East Stroudsburg Area School District (District) that it conducts ongoing identification activities as a part of its school program for the purpose of identifying students who may be in need of special education and related services. If your child is identified by the District as possibly being in need of such services, you will be notified of applicable procedures. Individualized services and programs are available for children who are determined to need specially designed
Instruction due to the following conditions:
- Autism/pervasive developmental disorder
- Blindness/visual impairment
- Deaf/Blindness
- Deafness/hearing impairment
- Intellectual Disability
- Multi-disabilities
- Traumatic brain injury
- Other health impairment
- Orthopedic impairment
- Emotional disturbance
- Specific learning disability
- Speech and language impairment
If you believe that your school-age child may be in need of special education services and related programming, screening and evaluation processes designed to assess the needs of the child and his/her eligibility are available to you at no cost, upon written request. This process may include a review of functional vision, hearing, speech and language. You, as a parent, may request screening and evaluation at any time, whether or not your child is in the District’s public school program. Requests for screening and multidisciplinary evaluation are to be made in writing to the principal of your child’s school or to the Special Education Department, East Stroudsburg Area School District, 50 Vine Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.
If a pre-school child is suspected of being eligible for early intervention, evaluation and services are provided through the Colonial Intermediate Unit #20. Information can be obtained by calling (610) 252-5550 and asking for the preschool department.
For further information on the rights of parents and children, provision of services, evaluation and screening contact:
Pupil Services/Special Education Office
East Stroudsburg Area School District
50 Vine Street
East Stroudsburg PA 18301
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
The Pennsylvania ACT 84 of 2015 requires that public and nonpublic schools provide notice of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to be shared with every parent or guardian of every student enrolled in the district during the school year on an annual basis.
CHIP covers uninsured kids and teens up to age 19. With more than 139,000 uninsured children in Pennsylvania, this is great news for families!
CHIP provides quality, comprehensive health insurance for routine doctor visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, eyeglasses, mental health and much more. CHIP covers uninsured kids who are not eligible for Medical Assistance. For most families, CHIP is free – for others, it is low cost.
Please see the CHIP flyer for additional information.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), this notice provides parents/guardians and eligible students (students at least 18 years of age) with annual notice of their rights to inspect and review education records, amend education records, consent to disclose personally identifiable information in education records, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. 34 C.F.R. § 99.7(a)
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Procedural Safeguards
The Procedural Safeguards Notice includes a full explanation of all of the rights available to parents of a child with a disability ages 3-21 when their child has been referred for or is receiving special education services. The Procedural Safeguards Notice includes additional resources for parents in Appendix A. This document also contains a revised Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) Request Form for IEP/IFSP Facilitation, Mediation, Evaluative Conciliation Conference (ECC) and a revised Due Process Compliant Request Form.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment Notice
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) requires school districts to adopt a number of policies regarding surveys of students, instructional materials, physical examinations, personal information used for marketing, and the like related to students. Parents must be notified of these policies at least annually at the beginning of the school year and within a reasonable time period after any substantial change is made to the policies. 20 U.S.C. § 1232h(c)(2)(A).
Title 1
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- Bushkill Elementary
- East Stroudsburg Elementary
- J M Hill Elementary
- Middle Smithfield Elementary
- Resica Elementary
- Smithfield Elementary
Bushkill Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Bushkill Elementary School recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by Bushkill Elementary School in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
Bushkill Elementary School understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of Bushkill Elementary School’s Parent and Family Engagement policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
Bushkill Elementary School will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Email and/or phone call
- Sapphire
- Class Dojo
Bushkill Elementary School will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting on October 16, 2024 at 9:30 am.
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
Bushkill Elementary School will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
- Prior to the 2024-2025 school year, we will meet with parents and other stakeholders to review
- and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting parents will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their parental right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to parents, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The finalized plan will be sent via email and posted to the school website.
Bushkill Elementary School will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Sapphire
- Email and/or phone call
- Title I Bushkill Resources
- Class Dojo
- Newsletter
- Parent Workshops
- PTO Meetings
Bushkill Elementary School will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
Bushkill Elementary School will hold an annual parent meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
Bushkill Elementary School will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement
- Provide assistance to parents of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and
- how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Bushkill Elementary School will offer parent workshops during the school year on a variety of topics related to literacy.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Sapphire
- Email and/or phone call
- Title I Bushkill Resources
- Class Dojo
- Newsletter
- Parent Workshops
- PTO Meetings
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
- Bushkill faculty coordinates with Head Start of Lackawanna County, as well as the Monroe and Pike County Libraries.
Bushkill Elementary School, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
The school will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
The mission of Bushkill Elementary School, a culturally diverse, rapidly growing, united community, is dedicated to creating a sound foundation in shapIng each student to become a positive, respectful, well-rounded citizen on a lifelong journey of success.
East Stroudsburg Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
East Stroudsburg Elementary School recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by East Stroudsburg Elementary School in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
East Stroudsburg Elementary School understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of East Stroudsburg Elementary School’s Parent and Family Engagement policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Class Dojo
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
At the beginning of the school year, we will meet with parents and other stakeholders to review and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting, parents will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their parental right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to parents, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The plan will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and posted to the school’s website.
- Parents attend PTO meetings.
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Sapphire
- Email and/or phone call
- Title I Resources
- Class Dojo
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will hold an annual parent meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
East Stroudsburg Elementary School will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement
- Provide assistance to parents of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- East Stroudsburg Elementary School will offer parent workshops during the school year. Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website, School Website, Email and/or phone call
- Class Dojo
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
East Stroudsburg Elementary School, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
The school will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
East Stroudsburg Elementary School is a diverse school community which is dedicated to creating a learning environment where all students optimize their potential. We will achieve this goal through the development and implementation of high quality standards driven instruction. Civic, social and technological skills will be cultivated in a nurturing environment to meet the challenges of our changing world.
J M Hill Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
JM Hill Elementary School recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by JM Hill Elementary School in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
JM Hill Elementary School understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of JM Hill Elementary School’s Parent and Family Engagement policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
JM Hill will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Flyer
- Class Dojo
JM Hill will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting in the fall
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
JM Hill will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
- At the beginning of the school year, we will meet with parents and other stakeholders to review and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting, parents will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their parental right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to parents, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The plan will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and posted to the school’s website.
- Parents attend PTO meetings.
JM Hill Elementary will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Class Dojo
- Email and/or phone call
- Title I Parent Resources
- Reading Nights
- PTA Meetings
JM Hill will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
JM Hill will hold an annual parent meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
JM Hill will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement
- Provide assistance to parents of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- JM Hill will offer parent workshops during the school year.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Class Dojo
- Email and/or phone call
- Title I Parent Resources
- PTA Meetings
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
JM Hill, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
JM Hill will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
Whatever it takes, our kids are worth it!
Middle Smithfield Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Middle Smithfield recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by Middle Smithfield in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
Middle Smithfield understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of Middle Smithfield’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
Middle Smithfield will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Class Dojo
- Flyer
Middle Smithfield will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting in the fall
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
Middle Smithfield will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
- At the beginning of the school year, we will meet with parents, school personnel, and other community partners to review and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting in the fall, families will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to families, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The plan will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and posted to the school’s website.
Middle Smithfield will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and family programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the families of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website & School Website
- Blackboard Connect
- Class Dojo & Flyers
Middle Smithfield will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
Middle Smithfield will hold an annual family meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, guardians, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
Middle Smithfield will build the capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster family involvement
- Provide assistance to families of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and
- how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of families, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with families as equal partners, implement and coordinate family programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Middle Smithfield will offer parent workshops during the school year.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Class Dojo
- Flyers
- One School, One Book
- Reading Night
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- STEM Night
- Other suggested topics (Academic Standards, Sapphire, Online Resources, MTSS)
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
- Coordination with Head Start Staff
Middle Smithfield, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
Middle Smithfield will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
Mission Statement: Middle Smithfield Elementary, using the talents, strengths and creativity of students, parents, and community will work to provide a positive character-based learning environment that respects the varied academic, cultural, social and emotional needs of its students.
Resica Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Resica Elementary School recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by Resica Elementary School in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
Resica Elementary School understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of Resica’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
Resica Elementary School will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Class Dojo
- Newsletter
Resica Elementary School will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting each year
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
Resica Elementary School will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
- At the beginning of the school year, we will meet with parents and other stakeholders to review and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting, parents will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their parental right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to families, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The plan will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and posted to the school’s website.
Resica Elementary School will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Title I Parent Resources
- Class Dojo
- Newsletter
- Family Events
Resica Elementary School will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
Resica Elementary School will hold an annual parent meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
Resica Elementary School will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster family involvement
- Provide assistance to families of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and
- how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate family programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Resica Elementary School will offer parent workshops during the school year.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Open House
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Title I Parent Resources
- Class Dojo
- Newsletter
- Reading Events
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
Resica Elementary School, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
Resica Elementary School will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
Resica Elementary School creates and promotes a community of respectful, responsible, and success-oriented learners by developing the diverse intelligences of all students through the sciences, technology, and the arts.
Smithfield Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Smithfield Elementary recognizes that meaningful parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of state academic standards by students participating in Title I programs. This policy was developed by Smithfield Elementary in collaboration with, and agreed to by, parents and family members. It describes how parents and family members will be engaged at the school level and the means of carrying out the requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116.
What is Family Engagement
Smithfield Elementary understands that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
- Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
- Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
- Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Components of Smithfield Elementary’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy
This policy complies with federal law related to the engagement of parents and family members, establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement, and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental and family engagement activities.
Smithfield Elementary will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements, the school parental involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
An annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held each year to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and the school’s participation, as well as parents’ rights to be involved. Notice of the meeting will be given via:
- School Website
- Email and/or phone call
- Class Dojo
- SMORES Monthly Newsletters
Smithfield Elementary will offer a flexible number of engagement meetings at convenient times for families, such as meetings in the morning or evening (for which the school may use Title I funds to provide transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement).
- Annual Title I meeting each year
- Conferences fall and spring, day and evening hours available
- Family events, day and evening
- Meetings by appointment at parent request
Smithfield Elementary will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
- At the beginning of the school year, we will meet with parents and other stakeholders to review and update the current Title I Comprehensive School Plan.
- During our Annual Title I Parent Meeting, parents will receive information about the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan and will be informed of their parental right to be involved in the planning and development of the plan through meetings, surveys and questionnaires. If the program plan is not satisfactory to families, they may submit comments on the plan to the school administrator. The plan will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and posted to the school’s website.
Smithfield Elementary will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, including:
a) a description and explanation of the curriculum in use,
b) forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress,
c) achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and
d) if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicable possible.
Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, will be sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Back to School Night
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Email and/or phone call
- Class Dojo
- SMORES Monthly Newsletter
- Literacy Night
Smithfield Elementary will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, school, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standard and how the plan is used, reviewed, and updated.
Smithfield Elementary will hold an annual parent meeting to review and discuss any needed changes to the jointly developed school compact. This compact will outline how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will describe not only the school’s responsibility in providing high quality instruction and curriculum, but the student and parent responsibilities for meeting and supporting the learning processes. The updated compact will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year and be posted on the school’s website.
Smithfield Elementary will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to ensure effective involvement of parents and families and to support a partnership among the school and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following:
- Materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster family involvement
- Provide assistance to families of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following:
- the state’s academic content standards,
- the state’s student academic achievement standards,
- the state and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
- the requirements of Title I, Part A,
- how to monitor their child’s progress, and
- how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
- Educate school personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate family programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Information will also be provided through various means, including:
- Fall Back to School Night
- Annual Title I Parent Meeting
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
- District Website
- School Website
- Email and/or phone call
- Class Dojo
- SMORES Monthly Newsletter
- Literacy Night
- PTO Meetings
- School personnel receive professional development at the start of each school year to reinforce the importance of parents as partners in their child’s education.
- Headstart
- Early Intervention
Smithfield Elementary, in carrying out these parent and family engagement requirements, shall provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
The school will make any reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure the inclusion of all parents and family members. For example, the school and district websites can be translated on the webpage, all documents can be translated through a translation program, and a translator, to the extent practicable, will be provided upon request
The Smithfield Elementary learning community builds responsible citizens and instills respect for self and others in a safe learning environment that encourages problem solving through cooperation and individual excellence.
Compact Agreement
- Bushkill Elementary
- East Stroudsburg Elementary
- J M Hill Elementary
- Middle Smithfield Elementary
- Resica Elementary
- Smithfield Elementary
Bushkill Elementary
Bushkill Elementary School-Agreement 2024-2025
We know that students learn best at Bushkill Elementary when everyone works together to encourage learning.
This pledge is a promise to work together as a team. Together we can do it!
I want my child to achieve, therefore, I will do my best to:
- Help my child attend school regularly, on time, and come appropriately dressed.
- Ensure that my child eats a healthy breakfast.
- Provide necessary school supplies.
- Review work completed in school.
- Talk with my child every day about his or her school activities, and homework assignments.
- Encourage my child to set and reach goals.
- Support school rules.
- Communicate with teachers and attend conferences.
It is important that I do my best to:
- Attend school regularly, on time, and appropriately dressed.
- Come to class prepared with supplies needed.
- Be responsible for my actions.
- Complete class and homework assignments.
- Ask questions when I do not understand something.
- Listen and follow directions.
- Raise my hand to speak.
- Speak politely and cooperate with others.
- Respect my parents, school staff, and other students.
- Discuss what I am learning with my parents.
It is important that all students achieve, therefore, I will do my best to:
- Create a safe and positive learning environment to promote academic knowledge and build self-esteem in my classroom.
- Encourage good citizenship by modeling respect towards all students and appreciating individual differences.
- Communicate and collaborate with families to support students’ learning
East Stroudsburg Elementary
East Stroudsburg Elementary
2024-2025 Home/School Involvement Compact
The school understands the importance of the school experience to every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability.
- Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging state academic standards.
- Address the importance between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum-
- virtual or in-person parent-teacher conferences at least annually during which the compact will be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
- frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress;
- reasonable access to staff virtually through email or Class DoJo
- insuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand
- Treat each child with dignity and respect.
- Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
- Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of child and school.
- Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.
- Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
- Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.
The parent understands that participation in his/her student’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, the parent will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability;
- Supporting their child’s learning.
- Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and positive use of extracurricular time.
- Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
- Send the student to school (virtually or in- person) on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
- Attend school functions and conferences virtually or in person.
- Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
- Review all school communications and respond promptly.
The student realizes education is important. He/she is the one responsible for his/her own success. Therefore, he/she agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability.
- Attend in person or virtual classes on time.
- Develop a positive attitude toward school.
- Be responsible for completing homework on time.
- Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
- Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
- Be respectful to all school members and school property.
J M Hill Elementary
JM Hill
The school understands the importance of the school experience to every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging state academic needs.
- Address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum—
- virtual or in-person parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
- frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress;
- reasonable access to staff virtually through email or Class Dojo
- ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff
- Treat each child with dignity and respect.
- Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
- Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of a child and school.
- Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment.
- Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
- Assure that the staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.
The parent/guardian understands that participation in his/her student's education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, the parent/guardian will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability:
- Make sure their child gets enough sleep and proper nutrition.
- Give their child a quiet organized place to work and study.
- Supporting their child’s learning.
- Check their child’s assignments with him/her before they are returned to school.
- Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and positive use of extracurricular time.
- Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
- Send the student to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
- Attend school functions and conferences.
- Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
- Review all school communications and respond promptly.
The student realizes education is important. He/she is the one responsible for his/her own success. Therefore, he/she agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability:
- Get to school on time every day.
- Develop a positive attitude toward school.
- Be responsible for completing homework on time.
- Be prepared for class with all materials (book, notebook, pencil, etc.).
- Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
- Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
- Practice reading at home every day.
- Be respectful to all school members and to school property.
- Follow school rules as outlined in our School-Wide Positive Behavior Program.
Middle Smithfield Elementary
Middle Smithfield Elementary
2024 - 2025 Home/School Involvement Compact
I understand the importance of the school experience to every student and my role as a teacher and model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Reinforce independent reading skills by providing interventions in addition to the core curriculum in order to enhance classroom success.
- Address the needs of your child as indicated by several district assessments.
- Regularly communicate with families and additional appropriate staff on the progress of your child. (Home/School Folders, Sapphire, Dojo, weekly newsletters, etc.)
- Treat all children with dignity and respect.
- Encourage a positive attitude toward school and learning success
I know my education is important to me. It will help me become a better person. I know my family and teachers want to help me, but I am the one who has to do the work.
Therefore, I agree to do the following to the best of my ability:
- Do my classwork/homework on time.
- Show graded work to my family.
- Be prepared for class with all materials (book, notebook, pencil, charged Chromebooks, etc.)
- Give my best effort in completing my work.
- Ask for help when needed.
- Follow all school rules as outlined in our Schoolwide Positive Behavior Program.
- Cooperate during instruction and assessment.
- Practice reading at home every day.
I realize that my child’s school experience is very important. I also understand that my participation in my child’s education will help achievement and attitude. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Make sure my child gets enough sleep and proper nutrition.
- Give my child a quiet organized place to work and study.
- Look over my child’s assignments with him/her before they are returned to school.
- Check to see if my child is prepared for school (charged Chromebook, completed homework, pencil, books, etc.)
- Promote independence.
- Make sure my child attends school daily and arrives on time.
- Attend Open House, Parent/Teacher Conferences and at least one Title 1 sponsored activity.
Resica Elementary
Teacher: I understand the importance of the school experience to every student and my role as a teacher and model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my abilities:
- Reinforce independent reading skills by providing interventions in addition to the core curriculum in order to increase/enhance classroom success.
- Address the needs of your child as indicated by several district assessments.
- Regularly communicate with parents/guardians and the regular classroom teacher on the progress of your child.
- Treat all children with dignity and respect.
- Encourage a more positive attitude towards school and learning success.
Student: I know my education is important to me. It will help me become a better person. I know my parents and teachers want to help me, but I am the one who has to do the work. Therefore, I agree to do the following to the best of my abilities:
- Do my classwork/homework on time and return corrected work to my parent/guardian.
- I will give my best effort in completing my work.
- Ask for help when needed.
- Follow all school rules.
- Cooperate during instruction and assessments.
- Practice reading at home every day.
Parent: I realize that my child’s school experience is very important. I also understand that my participation in my child’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my abilities:
- Make sure my child gets enough sleep and proper nutrition.
- Give my child a quiet organized place to work and study.
- Check all my child’s assignments with him/her before they are returned to school.
- Make sure my child is at school on time.
- Attend Open House, parent conferences and at least one Title I parent gathering.
Smithfield Elementary
Smithfield Elementary School
Title I School/Family Compact
The school understands the importance of the school experience to every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability.
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging state academic standards.
- Address the importance between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum-
- parent-teacher conferences at least annually during which the compact will be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
- frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress;
- reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities; and
- insuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand
- Treat each child with dignity and respect.
- Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
- Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of a child and school.
- Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.
- Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
- Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.
The parent understands that participation in his/her student’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, the parent will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability;
- Volunteering in their child’s classroom.
- Supporting their child’s learning.
- Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and positive use of extracurricular time.
- Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
- Send the student to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
- Attend school functions and conferences.
- Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
- Review all school communications and respond promptly.
The student realizes education is important. He/she is the one responsible for his/her own success. Therefore, he/she agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability.
- Get to school on time every day.
- Develop a positive attitude toward school.
- Be responsible for completing homework on time.
- Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
- Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
- Be respectful to all school members and school property.